
At DMU Cambodia, we understand the importance of supporting future leaders and innovators, and we don't want financial barriers to stop anyone from achieving their dreams. That's why we offer a range of scholarships to help talented students from all backgrounds get the education they need.  

We offer a range of scholarships, and you can find all the details below. To apply for any DMU Cambodia Scholarship, simply fill out the Application form indicating the scholarship you are applying for and attach all required documents and evidence, such as your academic records, certificates, and awards. There are no scholarship exams, just a meeting with our team to better understand how we can support your education journey. 

Undergraduate Scholarships


This scholarship aims to reward academically successful students in Cambodia.

Applicants can receive a scholarship of up to 50%

Eligibility: Applicants for the International Foundation Year Pathway and Undergraduate Programmes.

Participant of Olympiads, national competitions, English competency IELTS 6.5 equivalent - Up to 25%

English competency IELTS 7.0 equivalent, Participant of Olympiads, national competitions, strong academic record/results - Up to 30%

English competency IELTS 7.5 equivalent, Participant of Olympiads, national competitions, excellent academic results - Up to 35%

English competency IELTS 8.0 equivalent, Medallist of National Olympiads, participant of international competitions, exceptional academic results - Up to 50%


This scholarship is designed to award students in Cambodia who have demonstrated exceptional talent and achievement in any field of art, design, drama, or music.

Applicants can receive a scholarship of up to 30%

Eligibility: Applicants for the International Foundation Year Pathway and Undergraduate Programmes.

Evidence of exceptional talent and achievement in any field of art, design, drama, or music, whether at the city, national, or international level.


This scholarship aims to reward students in Cambodia, who have excelled in any sport and achieved success at a school, city, national or international level.

Applicants can receive a scholarship of up to 30%

Eligibility: Applicants for the International Foundation Pathway and Undergraduate Programmes.


School and City team member - Up to 20%

National team member - Up to 25%

International team member - Up to 30%


To recognise and support students who have made significant contributions to their communities through service and social impact projects.

Applicants can receive a scholarship of up to 30%

Eligibility: Applicants for the International Foundation Pathway and Undergraduate Programmes.

Local Leader - Documented hours of community service within the last year – Up to 20%

National Visionary - Leadership in a project that has national implications or recognition – Up to 25%

Global Ambassador - Involvement in an initiative with international impact or part of a global non-profit organization – Up to 30%

UG Scholarship Application process, requirements and general information

Applications for all Scholarships must include:

• Completed DMUC application form;

• Scanned copies of all documentation and evidence relevant to the Scholarship the applicant is applying for.

For Sporting Excellence you will be required to provide references from the applicant's coach and/or PE teacher on institutional letterhead. 

For Community Service you will be asked for evidence relating to documented evidence of hours and project outcomes. In addition you will be expected to commit to a minimum of 30 hours of community service per academic year during their tenure at DMUC and participation in a yearly symposium to share experiences and foster a network of service-minded individuals.

Mandatory requirement: Applicants must apply, pay the $100 application fee, accept their offer and make a deposit payment of USD 1,500 to receive the scholarship. The deposit payment will be deducted from the balance of your fee payment.

Duration: Subject to meeting and remaining eligible for any scholarship requirement the scholarship will be awarded over the full duration of study at DMUC.

There are no scholarship exams, just a meeting with our team to better understand how we can support your education journey. 

Postgraduate Scholarships


This scholarship aims to reward both young professionals aiming to progress their career and experienced leaders..

Applicants can receive a scholarship of up to 20%

Eligibility: Applicants for the Postgraduate Global MBA Programme.

All applicants must meet the standard Global MBA criteria. Full details available on in the relevant section of our website.


Tailored for female professionals in the business world.

Applicants can receive a scholarship of up to 25%

Eligibility: Applicants for the Postgraduate Global MBA Programme.

All applicants must meet the standard Global MBA criteria. Full details available on in the relevant section of our website.

PG Scholarship Application process, requirements and general information

Applications for all Scholarships must include:

• Completed DMUC application form;

• Scanned copies of all documentation and evidence relevant to the Scholarship the applicant is applying for.

Applicants should provide details of any achievements in business, community engagement and any significant milestones in their careers to date.

Mandatory requirement: Applicants must apply, pay the $100 application fee, accept their offer and make a deposit payment of USD 1,500 to receive the scholarship. The deposit payment will be deducted from the balance of your fee payment.

Duration: Subject to meeting and remaining eligible for any scholarship requirement the scholarship will awarded over the full duration of study at DMUC.

There are no scholarship exams, just a meeting with our team to better understand how we can support your education journey. 

UG and PG Scholarships Terms and Conditions


De Montfort University (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd", hereinafter referred to as the "University", and any enrolled student hereinafter referred to as the "Student" or “you”, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have concluded that these Scholarship Terms and Conditions will be an addendum to any applicable student offer and Student Contract (hereinafter the "Contract") on the following:


• Within each category, the number of scholarships awarded is limited, and applicants must meet the minimum selection criteria for the relevant category for your application to be considered.

• Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. All scholarships and grants are at the discretion of the University and are awarded against the full tuition fee level in any given academic year.

• Students can apply for more than one scholarship, provided they meet the eligibility requirements. In case a student qualifies for more than one reduction, scholarship, or discount, the student will be given the chance to choose the scholarship with the highest value.

• The scholarship does not include textbooks, excursions, accommodation, living expenses, or any other study-related expenses.

• Scholarship recipients or those who qualify for a reduction in the cost of tuition may not appeal the decision of the University or the percentage or amount of reduction assigned. The decision to grant or deny a reduction in cost is final.

• Students must indicate that they are applying for a scholarship in the online application form and must attach all required supporting documents as requested in the scholarship form by the date specified in relevant scholarship sections. Scholarship applications are submitted at the same time as applying for a program of study. Students are encouraged to provide full supporting documentation.

• Any scholarship and/or discount amount will be distributed equally across the payments made by the student.

• Any student with an outstanding debt to the University will not be considered for a scholarship or discount. Where scholarships or discounts are awarded for more than one year, any outstanding debt from the preceding year(s) will first be deducted from the scholarship or discount amount before it is applied to the remaining fee.

• The advance payment of any fees paid is non-refundable if an unconditional offer letter has been issued to the applicant. Students who have received a Conditional Offer Letter must provide the remaining documents to receive an Unconditional Offer Letter from the university before the start of the academic year. If a student does not meet the conditions required, his/her admission and any discounts or scholarships awarded will become void, and any tuition fee paid will be refunded back to the student.

• Students awarded scholarships and/or discounts from the University are expected to maintain high standards of academic achievement and personal conduct and to act as an ambassador for the University. Award holders may be expected to participate in promotional activities for the university as requested.

• Scholarships and discounts cannot be exchanged for cash, are not transferable, and cannot be deferred to an earlier or later start date, except at the full and sole discretion of DMUC.

• DMUC reserves the right to cancel any award at any time which has been claimed fraudulently, including on the basis of the provision of false information to claim the award, and to apply the full tuition fee.

• Where a student who has been awarded a scholarship or discount and subsequently terminates or interrupts their studies prior to the completion of their first year of study, the award will be pro-rated, based on the student’s last date of attendance, and a calculation of the student’s outstanding Tuition fee will be made upon the student’s last date of study.

• By accepting any scholarship or discount, the students agree to accept the full terms, conditions, and rules of the scholarship and agree to abide by the university rules and any requirements and/or proceedings issued by DMUC in relation to the award.

• The University reserves the right to cancel any award of scholarship/discount if a student is found in breach of any guidelines set by the University or has falsified any information.

• There is a set budget for scholarships every year, and the University reserves the right to withdraw, amend, or discontinue any scholarship/discount from time to time.

• All scholarships and discounts apply to study options at DMUC only and cannot be transferred to other De Montfort University campuses.

• Additional terms and conditions may apply for each scholarship.

1. The University provides the Student with a (type of) scholarship in the form of a tuition fee discount against the program of study of the Student starting from the starting in the respective academic year. The University has sole discretion in awarding the Scholarship and reserves the right not to award the Scholarship or to withdraw the Scholarship, in whole or in part, for non‐compliance with the terms of this Scholarship Agreement.

2. The Student acknowledges and agrees that the scholarship shall be made strictly subject to:

• your continued satisfactory academic progress on your programme of study. The decision as to whether you are deemed to have made satisfactory progress on your programme of study shall be at the sole discretion of the University;

• your high level of attendance at classes, lectures and seminars (minimum 95%) during each semester;

• good recommendations by your lecturers;

• being an ambassador of the University, which means responding/being on time, taking the initiative, being the face of the University and setting an example, as well as demonstrating the core values of the University: high quality, excellence, positive influence, involvement, kindness;

• your compliance with all the rules and policies of the University

• your help with the student union of the University;

• your participation and support of the University clubs and other activities of the University.

3. For the duration of your Scholarship, you will be required to submit progress reports to the University as and when requested and in the format required by the University. You will be required by the University to attend events such as promotional activities, open days, discovery days, school visits, guest presentations, interviews, corporate meetings, job fairs and participate in internal and external communications activity relating to your scholarship, where you are reasonably able to do so.

4. Having signed the agreement you hereby grant to the University express permission to use your name, image and any applicable case study information associated with the University and/or your scholarship in any publication, marketing, or advertising, in any manner and any medium throughout the world.

5. At the end of each academic year, the University has the right to assess your performance to decide your eligibility for the scholarship for the next academic year. If you do not meet the conditions in this agreement, you will not be provided with the scholarship for the next academic years and you will be obliged to pay the tuition fee according to the Contract and unconditionally agree not to make any claims against the University.

6. If you wish to suspend your programme of study for any reason, you are required to follow the University’s procedures for suspension of study. You acknowledge that any extended period of absence (more than one Semester) from your studies may impact your eligibility to continue receiving your scholarship.

7. If you are required to repeat an academic year of study for any reason, you shall not be entitled to receive any scholarship during such repeat year of study.

8. The University reserves the right to withdraw your scholarship immediately and without notice to you if you are determined by the University to have misled the University about any aspect of your eligibility to receive your scholarship. Under any such circumstances, the University shall be entitled to seek payment of scholarship discounts for the past periods of studies and the Student will be required to pay the relevant academic year tuition fees without having any discount. Under such circumstances scholarship amount will be the liability of the students which entails the consequences for the Student specified in the Contract.

9. The Scholarship Terms and Conditions come into effect immediately from the moment of accepting an offer which includes a Scholarship and will form an addendum upon signing the Student Contract and is valid until one of the following moments:

  • until the full completion of studies, if the Student meets all the requirements specified in this Agreement;
  • until the moment of expulsion of the Student;
  • until the termination of the discount in cases of non-compliance with at least one requirement to maintain the discount, throughout the entire period of study at the University.

10. These Scholarship Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the offer and Student Contract.

11. The terms of the Scholarship that are not known to third parties, are confidential information and the Student is not entitled to disclose them. In case of violation of this condition, the University has the right to terminate the Scholarship immediately by notifying the Student by e-mail. From the moment of termination of the Scholarship, the Student is obliged to pay tuition fees with the terms of the Contract.

12. The Agreement is drawn up in English only. In case of discrepancies in any version that is translated, the text in English shall prevail.

13. All disputes and disagreements arising under the Contract are resolved through negotiations. A written response to a claim must be sent within five business days of receipt of the claim. In case of failure to reach an agreement during the negotiations, the Parties submit disputes for resolution with the legislation of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Jurisdiction is determined by the location of the University.

14. The University reserves the right to alter and amend any of its Scholarship Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion.